Field Museum Whales
The Field Museum wanted to get families excited about the arrival of its new exhibition: Whales, Giants of the Deep. But it was going to be challenging. Unlike the aquarium right next door, the Field’s exhibition didn’t have one live whale to be seen. That’s when we realized that the benefit of learning about these magical creatures could make for far better conversations than simply seeing a whale. And so the campaign was born with one poignant thought – Visit the Whale exhibition at the Field and you’ll have a lot to talk about.
Archive, Communications Art
CCO: Ewan Paterson, Group CD: Diane Ruggie, CD: Karin Rose, Art Director: Brian Fink, Copywriter: Kevin Goff, Graphic Design: Lindsey Stuart, Illustrator: Frank Flöthmann, Art Buyer: Suzanne Koller, Producer: Katie Koehler Reed, Project Manager: Bill Wilson, Group Business Director: Susan Lulich, Account Supervisor: Katie Bernasek, Account Manager: Lauren Scholder
And then we added whale watching back into the mix by turning a tourbus into a whale inside and out, encouraging people to spot it around town, shoot it and post it to facebook for a prize.
WHALE BUS CREDITS: CCO: Ewan Paterson, Group CD: Diane Ruggie, CD: Karin Rose, Art Director: Alex Braxton, Copywriter: Alistair Robertson, Graphic Design: Lindsey Stuart, Illustrator: Mick Marson, Art Buyer: Suzanne Koller, Producer: Katie Koehler Reed, Project Manager: Bill Wilson, Group Business Director: Susan Lulich, Account Supervisor: Katie Bernasek, Account Manager: Lauren Scholder, Executive Producer: Justin Hood, Project Director: Leslee Freimuth